Hearing the "muted voices" at Lausanne Europe 20/21

Through Lausanne 2021, we were all drawn into a broad, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-national ‘communion of saints’ blanketing Europe and far beyond. The four days of online conversations, video reports, exchanges through chat boxes, interactive seminars and bible expositions have created a landmark event which will impact the evangelical landscape of Europe for decades to come”

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Eastern European Perspectives

Just under 1/3 of all participants at the Lausanne 20/21 gathering were from Central and Eastern Europe. As the percentage of born-again Christians across Eastern Europe is much smaller than in Western or Northern European countries, this shows that organising committee put effort to mobilize participants from Eastern Europe.

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Diaspora Voices at Lausanne Europe 2021

The organisers of the Lausanne Europe Conference 20/21 had an intentional focus on including diaspora voices from the early days of its organisation. Several key diaspora mission leaders were engaged in the process. In the end, the 20 per cent target proved to be too high, That we got 9 per cent diaspora engagement is definitely a great achievement.

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Secularity and Irreligion in Europe

Religious belief and practice are complex phenomenon. Alongside this, the process of secularisation in Europe has been a subject of study and debate among sociologists for many years. our review of the latest European Values survey data suggests that secularisation in Europe is continuing but that each country may well have its own trajectory.

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Jim Memory
More religious or more secular? Migrant religiosity encountering European secularity

Are migrants in Europe likely to be more secular or more religious than European-born nationals? Most studies tend to suggest that migrants are generally more religious than national-born Europeans and that for some at least, the fact of relocating to, or being resettled in, a new country can be a catalyst in a change of religious affiliation and identity

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