Using the book of Habakkuk, and her own experience, Mags Duggan takes the reader on a reflective journey to help face and walk through the most difficult of times.
Read MoreThis issue of Vista explores the uncomfortable subject of death, and the contemporary Christian response to it.
Read MoreRead the full findings of Vista’s survey of missionaries in Europe, exploring the impact of Covid-19 on their work.
Read MoreWhat signs of tomorrow´s conflicts are there in today´s Europe? What can we learn from previous generations who have shaped peace in our conflicted continent? And how can Christians and churches be “peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9) and “agents of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18) in today´s Europe?
Read MoreThere’s no question that we, in Europe, need reconciliation. East and West, North and South - our great continent has witnessed numerous wars and conflicts. Europeans carry enough historical baggage to be mad at each other for another century.
Read MoreWe are going through profound shocks: socially, politically, economically… and the impact of these will last for many years. How does the theme of reconciliation contribute to this current time, particularly in relation to our relationship with the wider natural world?
Read MoreReconciliation does not happen overnight. And here is the good news – the awkward situation with the virus, opens up enough time for us.
Read MoreCOVID-19 restrictions are posing challenges for missionaries in Europe and across the globe. In late April, the Vista editors asked Darrell Jackson to develop a questionnaire to explore the response of two European mission agencies: European Christian Mission (ECM) and Greater Europe Mission (GEM).
Read More“Our vision for Vista has always been to make solid research-based information on mission in Europe available to everyone who needs it.” Jim Memory looks back at 10 years and 35 editions of Vista
Read MoreIf we want to survive in today’s Europe, we actively need to challenge the gods of our time.. For, as Jesus himself put it: “You cannot serve both God and …” If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
Read MoreCreating a discipleship culture is key for mission in Europe today. Creating a discipleship culture is to create a biblical culture that shines a bright light against ungodly aspects of society.
Read MoreWherever we live in today’s world, media technologies and messages increasingly influence our everyday lives, our Christian witness, and our Christian ministries. The missional issues related to media engagement are therefore of real significance
Read MoreMartin Allaby, a member of the Micah Anti-Corruption Group, writes “It has been estimated that US$50 billion per annum may be stolen from money that Christians give to churches, para-church organizations, and secular organizations around the world.” Where are the individuals, the Christians, who demonstrate integrity?
Read MoreLong after the UK had joined the European Union (on New Year’s Day, 1973) it was not uncommon to hear Brits tell me they were ‘going to Europe for their holiday’. To be fair, when I started visiting the Scandinavian countries, I heard people using similar language.
Read MoreA study released in 2018 entitled “Europe’s Young Adults and Religion,” by British professor of theology and sociology of religion Stephen Bullivant, demonstrates one of the most crucial issues for mission in Europe today.
Read MoreMany women across Europe face incredible challenges due to their gender. Sadly, the church often contributes to these as well. Reflecting on some of these here will also highlight some beautiful initiatives where churches and network
Read MoreI am an African. I was born and raised up in Southern Malawi. I have worked in Europe and the United States for the past twenty years. I came to Europe in 2000 to teach …
Read MoreWhen analysing the cross-cultural mission of the European Churches, one might see different characteristics. We will share a few observations from a Romanian perspective.
Read MoreWhen it comes to discussing mission in Europe, there are a number of pitfalls or dangers that we need to be aware of. Firstly, the discussion itself can be dominated by powerful or influential voices whilst marginalising others;
Read MoreWho are the dominant voices speaking for Europe within the churches or mission networks with which you are most familiar?
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