When I look at the way the Spirit of God is working amongst those from a Muslim background in the UK, I am both very excited and hugely disappointed at the same time. It is a strange experience to have – praising and crying, rejoicing and pleading, very encouraging and sadly frustrating.
Read MoreGone are the days when mission agencies gave advice to new missionaries going to Muslim communities that said something like “You won’t see people come to faith, but you’re called to be faithful. Serve God, and look after your walk with Him, and you may see some minor breakthrough”
Read MoreThere are a number of courses and other resources available to equip you in reaching Muslims
Read MoreThis article seeks to contribute to the ongoing conversation on the state of the church in mission in Europe with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe reflecting on future perspectives and challenges in six key areas.
Read MoreA recent EBF Mission Partnership conference in Georgia sought to ‘encourage, and inspire in ministry’ a group of indigenous church planters from Eastern Europe.
Read MoreLeadership theory and practice is essential to effective Christian mission, yet as a multi-faceted, culturally conditioned phenomenon, it is often underestimated and lacking in critical examination.
Read MoreEstablished in 1993 in Belarus, the Russian-language newspaper Kolokol (The Bell) has a vision to reach beyond the church with the Good News of Christ, in particular places where Christians may not be allowed to freely share the Gospel.
Read More‘How to be a church and how to do mission?’ These are the most difficult questions which pastors, theologians and practitioners have tried to resolve over the centuries.
Read MoreIn this edition of Vista, we focus on one key expression of interconnectedness – the network, a form that in some ways epitomises modern society, and has increasingly been used by Christians in service of God’s kingdom.
Read MoreThe evaluation of effectiveness [in mission networks] is essential to stewardship and is part of the nature of God: planning, executing, and then evaluating.
Read MoreWhen Jesus put his team together he was not looking for functionaries who filled person specifications, he called sisters and brothers to follow him into places where ‘the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head’. He was into relationship building, shared lives, intimacy and self-sacrifice.
Read MoreIn February/March 2017 we carried out a small-scale survey to find out more about the networks you, our Vista readers, are involved in.
Read MoreIs there any other network that, in terms of its geographical extent and its ethnic, cultural and generational diversity, can compare to the church of Jesus Christ?
Read MoreOver the past 15 years, the European Leadership Forum (the Forum) has brought together hundreds of Evangelical leaders from over 40 countries at its annual conference and year-round events in pursuit of this Gospel unity.
Read MoreIt is precisely because multiculturalism has been given such a bad name recently that we may have been blinded to perhaps the greatest example of successful multiculturalism in Europe today: Europe’s churches
Read MoreYou can learn a lot from a church noticeboard. Every year I have my students make a list of the ethnic mix of congregations meeting for worship in their neighbourhood. They have to do this on the basis of what local churches display on their noticeboards
Read MoreThe Karlsruhe Free Evangelical Church (FeG) is a relatively young church in the second largest city of Baden-Württemberg in southwest Germany. It began with just twenty local people in 1991
Read MoreHow often does a person have the opportunity to regularly meet, converse and share significant life experiences with people from over fifty different national cultures?
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Hardy and Yarnell are both church planters and missional thinkers based in the UK, and their book clearly draws upon considerable practical experience as well as serious missiological and theological reflection.
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Muslims are not the people who live somewhere else, but are our neighbours in all European states. They are in Europe to live and stay, and they have the right to hear the good news.
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